Turkey Day Festivities

It's another beautiful Thanksgiving day. The autumn leaves are swirling and wafting aroma of delicious food is seeping through the house. There are many things to be thankful for this year; my family & friends, their health, and the numerous blessing God has provided.

This year our Thanksgiving meal will be slightly different than normal. You see, our oven is broken will not be replaced until Saturday. I never realized just how much the oven was used on this scrumptious holiday until this year.


No homemade pies; only store bought ones. No roasted turkey; Honey Baked Ham instead. No cookies or cupcakes... It is going to be rather interesting. Luckily we are still able to have Mom's cranberry relish and the usual bacon wrapped green beans!

I also never realized that there are so many different family traditions. When I told a friend about eating ham instead of turkey this year she laughed. Apparently, that is all her family normally has for this holiday. That got me thinking about other festive meals. For Christmas we almost always have prime rib while Boyfriend's family has a repeat of Thanksgiving dinner. Another friend's family eats seafood for every large family gathering no matter the time of year. We are all still arguing about whose tradition is "correct".

Oh! I hear my name being called. It's time for me to scoot on out to the kitchen to help with the preparations. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family & friends. Share some of your Thanksgiving traditions in the comment boxes! I would love to hear about them. - Ciao