Balancing Act

For the past week I have been struggling to balance both the magazine and Basically Bubbly; let's just say that even with me trying my hardest I have still failed epically. Fall one step behind and you're behind forever. The Etsy shop has exploded with orders (which I am so thankful for); 2 customs waiting for me to complete and multiple shipments on their way. Then there is the daily juggling of the magazine's social media, writing articles and posts, formatting the page layouts, and completing the website... and then to still keep the content of my blog completely separate... whew! I am tired just thinking about it. Sometimes I run out of creativity!

So please bear with me just through this last month before the magazine release. I promise things will begin returning to normal once the magazine is released on January 1st. Keep your fingers crossed that everything will go smoothly. Then we can party and I will once again blog daily. Until the new year darlings - Ciao

Balancing Act

{image via Pinterest}